Sunsweet Blog
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Sunsweet is an agricultural cooperative

Sunsweet Prunes


We regularly publish some great healthy living tips, new recipes and other Prune tidbits on our blog

001 California Potato Salad

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them with their skins in salt water for approx. 18-20 minutes. Then strain them, peel them and cut them into halves. Bring the 150 ml vegetable stock to the boil and pour it over the potatoes. Let them soak for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse the green beans, let them simmer in salt water for 8-10 minutes. Then strain them and douse with cold water. Let the beans drain.
  3. Let the artichoke hearts drain well. Peel and dice the garlic. Heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil and braise the garlic in the hot oil. Pour in the lemon juice and the remaining vegetable stock. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in the remaining olive oil.  Put the artichoke hearts and prunes in a bowl and sprinkle the vinaigrette over them. Let them soak for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into rough pieces. Cut the avocado in half, remove the core and peel the two halves. Cut the avocados into pieces.
  5. If necessary, drain the potatoes. Arrange the prepared ingredients together and serve them garnished with leaves of herbs and grated lemon. 

002 Canary Potatoes with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. For the green mojo rinse herbs, shake them dry and roughly chop the leaves. Peel and dice the garlic. Puree the herbs, garlic, capers, lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. If the sauce is too thick, add a little vegetable stock.
  2. For the red mojo roughly cut the paprika. Cut the chili pepper in half, clean it, rinse it and remove the pips. Roughly chop the chilli pepper. Peel and dice the garlic. Puree the paprika, chilli, garlic, olive oil and cumin. Season with salt and pepper. If the sauce is too thick, add a little vegetable stock.
  3. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and put them in a pan. Pour 1 liter of water over them and add the sea salt. Boil the potatoes for approx. 20 minutes. Strain the potatoes and put them back in the pan. Add the prunes. Place the pan back on the hot stove and cover the potatoes and prunes with a fine layer of the remaining salt through shaking the pan. Arrange them together with the mojo sauce. 

003 Mozzarella Carpaccio with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Bring the balsamic vinegar and grape juice to the boil. Season with cayenne pepper. Add the dried prunes and boil the marinade at a high temperature until there is just a small residue. Let the prunes cool down.
  2. Cut the mozzarella into slices. Peel the onion and cut it into very fine rings. Cut the avocado in half, remove the core and peel the halves. Cut the avocado into slices.
  3. Arrange the mozzarella and avocado on a platter. Put the onion rings and the prunes with marinade on top of it. Sprinkle the salad with rocket leaves and a few drops of olive oil, then sprinkle with freshly milled pepper before serving.  

004 Pumpkin Soup with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Rinse and dice pumpkin. Peel, clean and rinse the carrots cut them into small pieces. Peel and dice the ginger. Peel and dice the onion.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan. Briefly braise the onion, pumpkin, carrots and ginger in the hot oil. Pour in the vegetable stock and boil the vegetables with the lid on the pan for approx. 25-30 minutes until they are soft. Puree everything in a food processor. Season with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.
  3. Rinse the lime and strip its peel off with a zester. Squeeze out the lime juice. Add the lime juice, lime peel and prunes (halved if you want) to the soup and briefly heat it again. Whisk the cream until it is semi thick. 
  4. Serve the soup in cups or glasses with a celery stem and a spot of cream.

005 Vegan Veggie Dips with Prune Sticks

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Divide the silken tofu into three portions for the dips. Puree one portion with carrots and lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper and a little lemon peel. Mix in the cress. Puree a portion of silken tofu with cauliflower and curry powder. Season with salt and pepper. Puree the last portion of silken tofu with peas and lime juice. Season with salt, pepper and lime peel. Mix in the mint. 
  2. Fill the prunes with a tiny bit of wasabi paste and a peanut. Skewer them and serve with the dips. 

009 Chicken Lettuce Wrap with Asian Prune Sauce

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Heat sesame oil in a medium skillet.
  2. Add chicken and cook, stirring frequently for 5 minutes, or until browned and cooked through.
  3. Add ginger and cook for 1 minute more; set aside.
  4. Combine prune juice, honey, soy sauce and rice vinegar in a medium saucepan; cook over medium-high heat for 20 minutes or until glaze is thickened (mixture will thicken as it cools).
  5. Stir about half the glaze into the chicken to coat well; cook for additional 5 minutes.

Serve chicken in lettuce leaves and sprinkle with peanuts, coriander and green onions, as desired.

Serve remaining sauce on the side.

010 Sushi with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Wash rice thoroughly, rinse and bring to boil in 450 ml water. Reduce to simmer and cook covered for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let soak for 10 more minutes. Pour rice into a clean bowl. Mix together sugar, salt and rice vinegar until dissolved. Pour the vinegar sauce over the rice, while constantly mixing up the rice to cool it.
  2. Remove seeds from cucumber with spoon and cut cucumber into thin sticks. Cut prawns in half and 5 prunes into 20 quarters. Slice salmon to small strips and roll strips around 10 prune quarters.
  3. Place seaweed sheet on a bamboo mat. Cover the nori sheets with ¼ of prepared rice, pressing rice together with hands. Leave an inch of the seaweed bare at the top. Dab a pinch wasabi paste 5 cm apart on the rice. Place ¼ of sushi ginger, 2 cucumber sticks, 4 prawn halves and 5 prune quarters on top. With the help of the bamboo mat, roll the seaweed sheet into a log. Slice log into 8-10 pieces with sharp knife. Prepare another nori sheet in the same way.
  4. Arrange the remaining two seaweed sheets with rice and wasabi. Instead of prawns, place the salmon wrapped prune quarters on top. Roll into log and slice into sushi pieces. Put the remaining three prunes in a mixing bowl and puree bit by bit with soy sauce.

Serve sushi with prune soy sauce. 

012 Vegetarian Tortillas

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Chop iceberg lettuce into thin slices, wash and shake dry. Cut avocado in half, remove pit and spoon out the avocado meat. Mash avocado with a fork. Add hot chilli sauce and lemon zest and mix well. Season with salt. Clean and wash celery and cut lengthwise into very thin slices.
  2. Spread first the avocado mixture, then the cottage cheese on the tortilla wraps. Coat half of the wrap with iceberg lettuce. Place the prunes and celery lengthwise on the wrap. Roll up the wrap very tightly and cut diagonally in half.

013 Avocado Pea Cream with Poultry Prune Skewers

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Peel shallots and dice. Heat oil in a pot and sauté shallots. Add peas and stock. Boil with lid on for approx. 15 minutes until soft. Halve avocados, remove stones and scoop flesh from the skin. Puree avocado, yoghurt and wasabi. Puree the peas in the pot. Fold in the avocado cream and briefly heat while stirring. Season to taste with lime peel, juice and salt.
  2. Wash chicken breasts and dab dry. Cut meat into bite-sized pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Halve bacon along diagonally. Wrap every prune with one strip of bacon. Place chicken pieces and dried prunes on wetted wood skewers (alternate chicken and prunes).  Heat oil in a coated pan. Fry the skewers from all sides for approx. 8-10 minutes.
  3. Serve the avocado cream alongside the poultry and prune skewers. Garnish with lime slices and cress. 

014 Cinnamon Curd with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Place four prunes aside. Cut the remaining into strips and mix with orange juice.
  2. Chop walnuts and dry roast in a pan.
  3. Mix curd with cinnamon. Work in walnuts and sliced prunes.
  4. Fill curd into jars. Poke remaining plums onto a wooden skewer and use to garnish the curd. Top with some mint leafs and serve.  

015 Goat cream cheese with mustard and quince prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Bring quince jelly and white wine to a boil in a small pot. Slightly boil down to a  syrup. Add prunes, turn over and allow to simmer. Add mustard to the wine stock.
  2. Clean spring onions, rinse and cut into small strips.
  3. Arrange goats cheese with prunes in the mustard sauce and spring onions. 

016 Lemongrass and prune skewer with white cabbage

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Halve bacon and wrap the prunes with bacon. Rinse lemon grass and halve lengthwise. Push one dried plum onto each stalk. 
  2. Cut white cabbage into strips and slice finely. Sprinkle with some salt and mix thoroughly with a masher.
  3. Heat up 2 teaspoons oil in a coated pan. Add and steam cabbage for approx. 5 minutes. Clean chilli, rinse and slice finely. Peel ginger and grate. Add chilli and ginger to the cabbage and steam together. Season cabbage with salt.
  4. Heat remaining oil and fry skewers. Arrange lemon grass and prunes skewers on white cabbage. 

017 Onion Focaccia with Marinated Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Boil vinegar, sugar, olive oil and chilli powder. Season to taste with salt and pour over the prunes. Put aside.
  2. For the yeast dough, mix flour and salt. Make a hole in the middle and pour in the yeast and sugar (which should be dissolved in 125 ml of water). Mix with a little flour. Covered in a warm spot, let the dough prove for approx. 10 minutes. Add olive oil and knead into smooth dough with a dough hook. Cover and let prove for approx. 30-45 minutes.
  3. Peel onions, cut into thin rings. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a non-stick pan and sauté the onions until glazed. Add rosemary and briefly sauté as well. Season with a little salt and plenty of pepper.
  4. Knead yeast dough, divide into 6 portions. Roll out dough into flat cakes on a lightly floured surface. Place on baking trays lined with baking paper. Puncture several times with a fork and brush with remaining olive oil. Spread onions on top. Chop walnuts and sprinkle on top. Cover with cheese slices. Bake in a preheated oven at 200-220 °C (gas: 4-5, convection: 180-200 °C) for approx. 15-20 minutes.
  5. For the prunes, clean the spring onions and cut them into fine rings. Heat prunes to lukewarm temperature in the stock. Mix in spring onions.  Wash radicchio leafs, dab dry and cut into strips. Place on Onion Focaccia Breads and add marinated prunes on top. Serve immediately. 

018 Prune-Cheese-Involtini

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Clean the leeks, cut lengthwise in half, wash thoroughly and blanch in plenty salted water for 1-2 minutes. Strain, rinse with cold water and pat dry. Cut again in half lengthwise if necessary.
  2. Cut cheddar in 20 longish pieces. Bend the prunes slightly open and put the cheddar inside. Wrap with leek stripes and secure it with wood skewers. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan and sauté the prune-involtini gently.
  3. Mix both mustards and season with pink pepper berries. Serve the dip with the prune-involtini.

019 Raclette potatoes with prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Clean potatoes under running water thoroughly. Halve potatoes and hollow out with a melon baller (potato leftovers could be used for a soup).
  2. Place hollowed potatoes on a tray with baking paper. Sprinkle with some salt and pepper. Dice raclette cheese and place into the hollows. Bake potatoes in a preheated oven at 200 °C (Gas: Level 3-4, circulating air: 180 °C) for approx. 20 minutes.
  3. Press one prune lightly into the cheese of each potato and serve sprinkled with cress.  

020 Salad of endives with prunes and chickpeas

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Stir vinegar with salt, some freshly grounded pepper, cayenne pepper and sugar in a large bowl. Fold the olive oil in. Peel and fillet the oranges, keeping the juice. Mix the orange juice with the vinaigrette. Add chickpeas and prunes. Cover the bowl and let marinate in a cool place for approx. 30 minutes.
  2. Clean and wash the endives, remove the leaves from the stem. If necessary, cut bigger leaves in smaller pieces. Cut camembert in smaller pieces.
  3. Fold endives and orange fillets casually into the chickpeas-prunes-mixture and season again to taste. Prepare the salad with the camembert pieces. 

021 Gorgonzola mousse with Prunes

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Cut gorgonzola in small pieces and put in a bowl. Add mascarpone and yogurt, whisk until creamy with an immersion blender. Season to taste with pepper, powdered aniseed and lemon juice. Fill in glasses and keep in refrigerator until needed.
  2. Mix white wine with plum jam and chilli sauce. Cut prunes in halves or quarters, add to sauce and store in a cool place.  
  3. Wash and clean celery, cut in very fine strips. Chop walnut kernels. Spread the prune sauce onto the gorgonzola mousse and garnish with celery and chopped walnuts. Serve with baguette.

Tip: To create a fancy garnish, cut the celery in very thin stripes and put them in a bowl with ice cubes. This way, they start curling in a creative manner.

022 Exotic Prune Salad

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Cut the pomegranate in half. Squeeze juice from one half and scoop out the core from the other half. Mix the pomegranate juice with maple syrup and vanilla seeds. Peel the orange (like an apple) and take off the pith. Fillet the oranges, while collecting the juice. Add the orange juice to the pomegranate dressing. Add the prunes to the dressing (cut in half as desired) and let it sit.
  2. Chop up the walnuts and roast them in a small, non-stick pan. Cut the papaya in half, remove the seeds, and peel the papaya. Cut the papaya into pieces. Loosely mix up the prunes with the orange fillet, pomegranate seeds, walnuts, and papaya. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top of fruit salad. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

023 Ham Toast with Prune Salsa

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Dice prunes into small pieces. Wash the green onions and cut into fine pieces. Stir the Cumberland sauce into the prunes and green onions. Season with a pinch of salt and cayenne pepper.
  2. Lightly toast the slices of bread. Spread the cream cheese on toast and then place ham on top. Then add salsa on top of toast with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

024 Prune Fitness Shake

Posted Fri, Aug 27, 21 by Sunsweet

  1. Peel the ginger root and cut into chunks. Place the prunes and water in a saucepan. Cover the saucepan and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool.
  2. Put the prunes (remove ginger) with liquid in a tall mixing bowl and puree. Cut the banana into pieces and add it to the mixing bowl together with the yogurt and orange juice, mixing it well at a high speed. Sweeten it with honey. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves. Serve immediately.
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